Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este Class Winner.

This year we were blessed with being asked to help prepare two Lancia’s for the famous exclusive Villa d’Este Concours show at Lake Como, Italy.

The 1934 Lancia Astura Viotti was one of the prettiest cars i have ever had the pleasure of working on.

We were tasked with detailing it top to bottom, including getting under it to ensure the underside of the car was degreased and dirt free.

Once we had carried out that process we began to hand paint all the buts and bolts that had been replaced in the maintenance work it had just received so they match the original nuts that were incapsulated in paint.

Then to the engine where areas had been chipped over the years and leather bonnet strapped were cracked.

After much more hand paint, some leather conolising and a lot of polishing with stove polish the engine & exhaust were looking show ready.

The it was to the head lights, numbers plates and exhaust tips.

These all needed to be lined up using a straight end to ensure the judges couldn’t spot anything out of alignment.

I’d been putting off the job of hand cleaning the wire wheels for as long as possible, but finally i could ignore them no more, so i began spoke by spoke to hand clean and polish each rim.

Once all of these tasks were carried out all was left was the fabrics, the tonneau roof and interior leather required a light clean and the leather a balm before it was complete and ready for Lake Como’s exclusive show.

Click here to learn more about the show!

Lancia Astura Viotti

Lancia Astura Viotti


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