Since we launched our business back in 2003 many other companies have jumped on board and joined the thriving UK detailing scene.
We started mobile detailing in Cambridge, Essex & North London offering the ultimate in bespoke specialist car details including machine polishing also known as ‘Car Mopping’ or mechanical polishing, New car protection systems, scratch removal, swirl removal, hologram removal, car waxing, ceramic pro coatings, cabriolet roof treatments & leather dye & repair services.
We have also been lucky enough to offer mobile detailing & leather repairs for the aviation industry with some Cessna owners and small airports like duxford. Some of the biggest enthusiasts in that industry will attend the up and coming show the AeroExpo & HeliExpo at Seywell aerodrome in July 2016.
We also provided mobile detailing & leather restoration to the marine industry, the trickiest of them all dealing with marine vinyl’s and tricky pre-wax processes which if carried out correctly limit drag on the water.
But eventually like so many companies before us we didn’t want to cover to many bases which is have concentrated on the Automotive Detailing & as a result we thrive year on year, adding to our team and knowledge and bringing the ultimate in detailing & Concours detail solutions.