At Cambridge Concours we love Gtechniq as do our customers and with products like C1 & C2 there’s no surprise.
C1 has been independently proven in the world’s most respected weathering facility. As you can see in the YouTube video below, it offers the best gloss retention out of all products tested.  Over a simulated run of 3 years in Arizona sunlight, a C1 coated panel lost half the amount of gloss as its next best competitor, and a third less gloss than the average score for all other products tested.
As well as gloss retention C1 Crystal Lacquer is extremely durable, as it actually becomes the functional surface of a car’s paintwork. Also scratch-resistant, C1 forms a crystalline film which is extremely hard – this characteristic makes it effective at preventing minor scratching from poor wash technique on relatively soft automotive paint.
C1 coated panels have been tested against uncoated panels, as well as high-end carnauba waxes and polymer sealants.
On average, panels coated with Gtechniq C1, exhibited 50 percent fewer swirl marks than those coated with waxes or left uncoated.
C2 Liquid Crystal is the revolutionary way to make your car, boat, plane or motorhome shine and stay clean longer, thanks to Gtechniq’s unique 3S Smart Surface Science.
With C2 Liquid Crystal you get instant, effective protection from UV and dirt without the expense of dealer applied systems.
Fast and easy to use, C2 is based on the same smart surface technology as its big brother, C1 Crystal Lacquer which is the performance coating of choice amongst industry professionals and OEMs.

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